Saratoga Springs Couple | Mia + Nate

I shot this cute couple at Shoreline Park in Saratoga Springs, Utah. It is a gorgeous location that is right next to Utah Lake. You don’t actually see Utah Lake due to the huge old trees there. It’s such a pretty location all year round.
Mia contacted me and said she was interested in a couples session with her husband Nate and they were so wonderful and great to work with. Mia told me she was referred by Amanda (my cousin) and I initially thought, “cool! I love Amanda” and thought nothing more of it. When we arrived at the location and I met Mia in person for the first time we made the connection that Mia and I are both Amanda’s cousins! She is just on her mom’s side and I’m on her dad’s side. Small world! I love getting referrals and making connections with people. It’s something I get from my dad who get’s it from my grandma. There is always a connection to be made where someone knows someone from somewhere.
Mia and Nate are newly married and have a cute dog and they actually didn’t live far from our location. They were so easy to have to what I envisioned for them, but also to be themselves. I know I talk about “this person was so easy to work with” and “they just were themselves”, but it really is true.
Being “Photogenic”
If you feel like “oh I don’t take photos well” I don’t believe you for a second. I can promise I’ll get you to loosen up and be you! Every person is photogenic. It just takes a few tips and for me to be weird with you so you can be relaxed and at peace. Photo shoots should NOT be stressful. I say this as I’m prepping for my own family photos to be taken in Hawaii. Ha ha. I am stressing about the colors to put my family in, etc. If you hire a great photographer, as soon as you get to the session, they should take over and make you feel comfortable.